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What's On at Salford Museum & Art Gallery

Salford Museum and Art Gallery first opened to the public in 1850 and ever since we have been welcoming visitors and adding to its collections.

The main museum collection is now one of social history, although originally the museum had a wider remit when it came to collecting artefacts from all over the world. One of the main ways it displays its wonderful objects is through our reconstructed street, Lark Hill Place, which contains thousands of museum objects to recreate the feel of a Salford street in the latter part of the Victorian era.

The permanent art display in the Victorian Gallery has recently been re-hung and now contains over a hundred works of art exhibited in the style of a Victorian gallery. The entire gallery has been repainted and new interpretation added to help visitors to enjoy and engage with the pieces on show.

Entry to the museum is free and with much to see and do, as well as a popular café, it’s a firm favourite with adults and children alike and ideal for a memorable day out.

Opening hours

Unless otherwise stated, the building is closed on bank holidays.

Monday: Closed
Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am to 4.00pm
Saturday and Sunday: 11.30am to 4.00pm

Where is it?

Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford M5 4WU

Salford Museum and Art Gallery website.

All events and details were correct at the time of publication, but please confirm with the venue or organisers before setting off.

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